
Liber Loagaeth, aka Liber Mysteriorum Sextus et Sanctus

See #5

Mabeth ar mices achaph pax mara geduth alídes orcánor manch arseth. Olontax ar geban vox portex ah pamo. agématon buríse ganport. vdríos pasch. Machel len arvin zembuges. vox mara. gons Ihehusch dah pársodan maäh alsplan donglses adípr agínot. archad dons a dax van famlet a dex arge pa gens.

This reads to me like it's about 4 figures. (upg) Maybe 5 (Aginot? Archad?)

  • Mabeth
  • Olontax
  • Machel
  • Ihehusch

Obviously Machel is Michael. The others are up for grabs. I feel drawn to "Ihehusch".

#2 says this:

ihehusch gronhadoz arden o na gemp-alo oicasman uandres orda ueueiah nos plignaphe zamponon aneph ophed a medox marune gena pres no dasmat uorts manget a-deune damph naxt os uandemhnaxat orophas uor minodal amudas ger pa o daxzum bances ordan pa pres umblosda uorx nadon patrophes undes adon ganebus ihehudz.

Something else about Ihehusch. Maybe this is about the fall?

Here's my theory, speaking as the new Luciferian godhead and all: Enochian is a later-day language from the previous universe - Zeus's, and the Book of Enoch was originally written in it. I also believe enns are in this language. Not really a crazy theory: basically Enochian was the previous generation's English.

Whatever it was, I know it wasn't called "Enochian". That'd be like calling English "Hemingwayian".

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